Journal of Innovation in Cardiac Rhythm Management
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Introducing PFA 101: From Bench to Bedside

Applying Pulsed Field Ablation clinically requires extensive in depth knowledge of the technology's fundamentals to achieve its promise of generating viable, durable, improved patient outcomes. This complimentary CME-accredited symposium, which serves as a comprehensive primer, provides attendees with a full spectrum of sessions focused on various aspects of PFA, from the technology's fundamental basics to catheter selection, managing procedural challenges, and defining endpoints. Future directions will also be discussed. Participants will have ample opportunity to engage directly with faculty, gain valuable insights, and expand their knowledge that can be directly applied to real-world practice, empowering them to enhance patient care.

Friday, March 28, 2025

  • 3:30 – 4:00 PM: Check-In
  • 4:00 – 8:25 PM: Educational Program
  • 8:25 PM: Dinner and Cocktails

Hilton Vienna Danube Waterfront Handelskai 269, Vienna, Austria



Agenda • Times Listed are Central European Time

3:30 – 4:00 PM



4:00 – 4:10 PM


Welcome and Introductions


Session A
Moderators: Prof. Atul Verma, MD and Prof. Luca Gerardo-Giorda, PhD

4:10 – 4:25 PM


Covering the Basics of PFA – Electroporation of Cell Membrane
Topics covered: Membrane electroporation, mechanisms, the waveform/role of pulse parameters (nano-, micro- and millisecond pulses), effects at membrane and cellular levels, electroporation of excitable cells (stunning, slowing conduction)
Prof. Lea Rems, PhD

4:25 – 4:40 PM

Tissue Response to PFA – Pulse Delivery
Topics covered: Neuro-muscular capture, intensity–duration curve, effect on vasculature (microvasculature and large vessels), oedema, blood–brain barrier, increased vascular permeability, and electrochemistry
Prof. Antoni Ivorra, PhD

4:40 – 4:55 PM

Choosing the Right Waveform and Catheter
Topics covered: Monopolar vs bipolar delivery, catheter “design” (multipolar, focal), electrical field distribution in tissue, temperature increase and thermal damage, difference between PFA and RF heating, how we translate reversible and irreversible threshold and intensity-duration curve to tissue level
Prof. Damijan Miklavčič, MD

4:55 – 5:25 PM   

Panel Discussion with Q&A

5:25 – 5:40 PM





Session B
Moderators: Prof. Damijan Miklavčič, MD, and Prof. Atul Verma, MD

5:40 – 5:55 PM  

Non-Thermal and Selective Ablation – The Limits
Topics covered: Level of evidence of tissue selectivity – is there a limit, damage to tissue and healing?
Prof. Kars Neven, MD, PhD

5:55 – 6:10 PM  

Learning from the Others – Other Biomedical Applications
Topics covered: Other electroporation-based applications/experiences, triggering immune response (including drug delivery, gene therapy.)
Prof. Rafael Davalos, PhD 

6:10 – 6:25 PM  

Predicting the Lesion Size – The Use of Numerical Modeling
Topics covered: Use of numerical modeling (how catheter design affects field distribution) and concept of lethal electric field threshold
Prof. Bor Kos, PhD

6:25 – 6:55 PM


Panel Discussion with Q&A

6:55 – 7:10 PM   Break



Session C
Moderators: Prof. Helmut Pürerfellner, MD, Prof. Julian Chun, MD, Prof. Atul Verma, MD, and and Prof. Damijan Miklavčič, MD

7:10 – 7:25 PM 


Understanding/Managing PFA Problems
Topics covered: Hemolysis, myolysis, microbubbles, vasospasm – clinical risks, and how to minimize the risks through better design of pulses, catheters, and clinical interventions
Prof. Atul Verma, MD

7:25 – 7: 40 PM  

Defining Endpoints in PFA
Topics covered: Ablation measures, contact vs contact force; does a PFA index actually work? How to assess procedural endpoints in the absence of bipolar EGMs – unipolar, optics, cMRI, LGE, and other non-invasive techniques. Or, just recipe medicine?
Prof. Devi Nair, MD

7:40 – 7:55 PM  

Future Directions for PFA
Topics covered: Beyond PVI, VT – thicker tissue, how to get greater lesion depth, combined thermal and PFA, news from preclinical trials, and overview of recent and ongoing published/peer-reviewed clinical studies
Prof. Jacob Koruth, MD

7:55 – 8:25 PM  

Panel Discussion with Q&A

8:25 PM


Dinner Buffet with Cocktails

Endorsing Organizations

EHRA Logo300px Canadian Heart Rhythm Logo ISEBTT logo left aligned



Course Chairs

 Julian Chun MD

Prof. Julian Chun, MD
Cardioangiologisches Centrum Bethanien
Frankfurt, Germany

   Helmut Purerfellner MD

Prof. Helmut Pürerfellner, MD
Ordensklinikum Linz Elisabethinen
Linz, Austria

 Damijan Miklavcic PhD

Prof. Damijan Miklavčič, PhD
University of Ljubljana
Ljubljana, Slovenia

   Atul Verma MD

Prof. Atul Verma, MD
McGill University Health Centre and McGill University
Montreal, Québec, Canada


 Rafael Davalos PhD

Prof. Rafael Davalos, PhD
Georgia Tech and Emory University
Wallace H. Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering
Atlanta, GA

   Bor Kos PhD

Prof. Bor Kos, PhD
University of Ljubljana
Ljubljana, Slovenia

 Antoni Ivorra MD

Prof. Antoni Ivorra, PhD
University Pompeu Fabra
Department of Information and Communication Technologies
Barcelona, Spain

   Devi Nair MD

Devi Nair, MD
St. Bernard’s Heart & Vascular Center
Jonesboro, AR

 Luca Gerardo Giorda MD

Prof. Luca Gerardo-Giorda, PhD
Johannes Kepler University Linz
Linz, Austria

   Kars Neven MD PhD

Prof. Kars Neven, MD, PhD
Alfried Krupp Hospital
Essen, Germany

 Jacob Koruth MD

Prof. Jacob Koruth, MD
Mount Sinai Hospital
New York, NY

   Lea Rems MD

Prof. Lea Rems, PhD
University of Ljubljana
Ljubljana, Slovenia


Target Audience
This activity has been designed to meet the educational needs of electrophysiologists, fellows-in-training, engineers/researchers, translational researchers, and other physician groups and allied healthcare professionals interested in enhancing their fundamental knowledge of PFA and its future directions.

Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this educational activity, participants will be able to:

  • Examine the fundamentals of PFA, including electroporation of cell membrane, tissue response to PFA, and selection of the correct waveform and catheter.
  • Assess non-thermal and selective ablation, determine the evidence of tissue selectivity, and evaluate what can be learned from other electroporation-based applications/experiences.
  • Review fundamentals for understanding and managing PFA problems, including clinical risks, and minimizing risks through better design of pulses, catheters, and clinical interventions
  • Review how to assess procedural endpoints in the absence of bipolar EGMs – unipolar, optics, cMRI, LGE, and other non-invasive techniques.
  • Discuss future directions for PFA.

Accreditation Statement
Jointly Accredited Provider TMMediaSphere Medical and Ciné-Med have planned and implemented this activity to improve patient care. Ciné-Med is jointly accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE), and the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) to provide continuing education for the healthcare team.

Ciné-Med designates this educational activity for a maximum of 3.75 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. 
Physicians should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
Nurses and Other Healthcare Professionals: All other healthcare professionals will receive a Certificate of Participation. Consult your professional licensing board for information on the applicability and acceptance of Certificates of Participation for activities designated for AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™.

Claiming Credits
CME Credits will be available to claim directly on this webpage at the conference's conclusion. 1 CME Certificate is supplied electronically for the cumulative credits earned commensurate with the extent of participation in the activity.

Disclosure Policy
MediaSphere Medical and Ciné-Med adhere to accreditation requirements concerning industry support of continuing medical education. Speakers must openly disclose any limitations of data and any discussion of any off-label, experimental, or investigational uses of drugs or devices in their presentations. Speakers will disclose any relationships at the beginning of their presentations.

All MediaSphere Medical and Ciné-Med employees in content control have indicated that they have no relevant financial relationships to disclose.

The policy of MediaSphere Medical and Ciné-Med is to ensure balance, independent objectivity, and scientific rigor in all supported educational programs. All faculty members participating in academic activities must disclose to the program audience any real or apparent conflicts of interest held within the past 12 months.

MediaSphere Medical and Ciné-Med implement a mechanism to identify and resolve all conflicts of interest before delivering the educational activity to learners.

Non-Endorsement Statement
MediaSphere Medical and Ciné-Med verify that sound education principles have been demonstrated in developing this educational offering, as evidenced by reviewing its objectives, teaching plan, faculty, and activity evaluation process. MediaSphere Medical and Ciné-Med do not endorse or support the actual opinions or material content presented by the speaker(s) and sponsoring organization.

Ethical MedTech Compliance Approval
The EthicalMedTech Conference Vetting System (CVS) have assessed PFA 101 which has been found as COMPLIANT Event Details CVS >>

MediaSphere Medical

CME Joint Providership:
MediaSphere Medical, LLC and Ciné-Med

Industry Partners
The Conference is made possible through generous educational grants from multiple companies.
Abbott • Boston Scientific • J&J MedTech • Medtronic • CardioFocus and BIOTRONIK • Pulse Biosciences, Inc.



**Pre-Registration Full**

Pre-Registration Full
Pre-registration has been closed since the maximum seating capacity was reached based on cumulative registrants. However, please find below information on the options for walk-in attendees who have not pre-registered, along with a form to complete to ensure that you are provided early access to the on-demand archive of PFA 101: From Bench to Bedside.

Walk-in Attendees
While walk-in attendees who did not pre-register for PFA 101 are not ensured entry into the Session Room, you are welcome to visit the check-in desk during the allotted Conference check-in time of 3:30 – 4:00 PM at the Hilton Vienna Danube Waterfront directly before the Symposium starts on March 28, 2025. Walk-in attendees will be admitted on a first-come, first-served basis following admission of all pre-registered attendees commensurate with seating availability.

Advanced On-Demand Archive Access
Please complete the following form if you have not pre-registered but wish to be added to the eNewsletter list that will announce when access to the recorded proceedings of PFA 101: From Bench to Bedside becomes available for complimentary viewing. The announcement will include direct access to the On-Demand Library for complimentary viewing.

PFA 101: From Bench to Bedside - On-Demand Archive Notification

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Industry Partners




Industry Partners


Partners In Educational Advancements

PFA 101: From Bench to Bedside is made possible through our Industry partners' generous educational grants.

Abbott • Boston Scientific • J&J MedTech • Medtronic • CardioFocus and BIOTRONIK • Pulse Biosciences, Inc.